Advanced materials

QuantumFlow at DesignCon 2020

The QuantumFlow team will be attending DesignCon in Silicon Valley on January 28th and 29th. Drop us a line if you plan to attend -

The electronics industry is shooting upwards like a rocket — the market for electrical systems will reach nearly $1,680 billion by the end of 2019 — but what's providing the fuel? And how can you reach new heights along with it?

DesignCon has the answers.

Ceramic Materials for 5G Wireless Communication Systems

From - 

In the world of wireless communication, 5G has become almost a popculture reference. It is a term frequently used to describe improved handsets, devices, and infrastructure enabling faster speeds and more bandwidth. This article presents a cursory overview of what 5G is, what are the technical pillars of 5G systems, and finally, the role ceramic materials will play in 5G technology.