Five 2020 predictions for components
January 9, 2020From EE Times:
A forecast of what to look out for among electronic products in the coming year.
From EE Times:
A forecast of what to look out for among electronic products in the coming year.
From Forbes:
Ten years ago, if you were a daily commuter, you'd struggle to do much more than watching a few pre-loaded movies or TV episodes or play single-player games on your smartphone as you traveled to work. Today, there are all manner of streaming services which, thanks to 4G, allow you to download and upload high-quality content straight to and from your mobile device.
From SingularityHub:
Artificial intelligence in space exploration is gathering momentum. Over the coming years, new missions look likely to be turbo-charged by AI as we voyage to comets, moons, and planets and explore the possibilities of mining asteroids.
QuantumFlow has returned from another week of CES madness. Some of the notable topics featured and discussed - the global roll-out of 5G, smart cities impacting local societies, iterations of AI, and of course the buzzword that we've all been hearing more and more the last few years - IoT (Internet of Things).